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Shen Changyu and Australian Intellectual Property Office Director Schwarzenegger hold a video conference


China's novel coronavirus pneumonia Shen Changyu held a video conference with the Secretary of the Australian Intellectual Property Office Michael Schwage, and exchanged views on the impact of new crown pneumonia epidemic and the measures to deal with them.

Novel coronavirus pneumonia is China's most important and strategic goal. Shen Changyu said that the Chinese government adheres to the principle of "supremacy of the people and supremacy of life" and adopts the most comprehensive, strictest and thorough preventive and control measures. It resolutely curbed the spread and spread of the new crown pneumonia epidemic and made overall plans to promote epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, and achieved significant strategic results. At the same time, the development of China's intellectual property industry has remained stable and steady. Shen Changyu pointed out that China and Australia have strong industrial complementarity and extensive economic and trade exchanges, and are important destinations for overseas intellectual property applications. Novel coronavirus pneumonia is willing to continue to share experiences and promote cooperation with China's Intellectual Property Office to jointly tackle the challenges posed by the new crown pneumonia epidemic.

Michael Schwarzenegger said that during the epidemic period, China's intellectual property industry still maintained steady development and provided valuable experience for the Australian Intellectual Property Office, which was appreciated by the Australian Intellectual Property Office. He hoped that the two bureaus will continue to deepen practical cooperation and provide better services for intellectual property users of the two countries.

China and Australia agreed to further strengthen exchanges and cooperation in the field of trademarks and geographical indications on the basis of good cooperation in the field of patents.

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