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International Convention for the protection of new plant varieties (1978 version)


(formulated on 2 December 1961, revised in Geneva on 10 November 1972 and 23 October 1978, and entered into force on 8 November 1981. At the fourth meeting of the Standing Committee of the Ninth National People's Congress, on August 29th, 1998, it decided to accede to the International Convention on the protection of new varieties of plants (1978 version), and deposited the instrument of accession on March 23, 1999. At the same time, it was stated as follows: before the government of the people's Republic of China has informed otherwise, the International Convention on the protection of new varieties of plants (1978 version) shall not be applied to the people's Republic of China And Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. This Convention entered into force for me on 23 April 1999.)
Taking into account the International Convention on the protection of new varieties of plants, which was formulated on 2 December 1961, the parties, as amended by the supplementary version of 10 November 1972, have become valuable texts in international cooperation for the protection of the rights of breeders.
Reaffirms the principles set out in the preamble to the Convention, in accordance with which:
(a) Parties believe that the protection of new plant varieties is of paramount importance, whether it is the development of their own agriculture or the protection of the rights of breeders;
(b) Parties are aware of a number of special problems arising from the recognition and protection of the rights of breeders, in particular the restrictions on the free exercise of such rights, as required by the public interest;
(c) Parties believe that these issues, which are of great importance to many countries, should be addressed individually in accordance with the principles of unity and clarity.
Considering the idea of protecting the rights of breeders, it has been widely accepted by many countries that have not acceded to this Convention;
Taking into account the need to amend several provisions of this Convention in order to promote their accession to the Union;
Considering the necessity of improving some provisions of the administrative management of the alliance established in accordance with this Convention in practice;
Considering that the revision of this Convention is the best way to achieve these objectives, it is agreed as follows:
Article 1 purpose of the Convention; composition of the league; place of the Union
(1) The purpose of this Convention is to recognize and guarantee the rights of new plant breeders and their legal successors (hereinafter referred to as breeders) that meet the following defined conditions.
(2) The States parties to this Convention (hereinafter referred to as the member states of the alliance) form the Alliance for the protection of new plant varieties.
(3) The alliance and its permanent establishment are based in Geneva.
Article 2 protection mode
(1) The rights of breeders under this Convention may be recognized by the States members of the union by granting special protection rights or patents. However, only one of the conservation methods is provided for one and the same genus or species of plants by the members of the alliance which are recognized in their own laws.
(2) The member states of the union may apply this Convention to a variety of genera or species, reproduction or reproduction in a particular way or for a particular end-use variety.
Article 3 national treatment; reciprocity
(1) In the case of the recognition and protection of the rights of breeders of new plant varieties, natural and legal persons living or having registered offices in one of the League Member States, without prejudice to the rights specifically provided for in this Convention, can enjoy the rights granted or subsequently granted or subsequently by those states under their respective laws as long as they comply with and perform the provisions and procedures set by those States for their nationals It may be treated the same as the nationals of the country.
(2) Nationals of the member states of the league, who have neither settled nor registered offices in any other member state of the alliance, enjoy the same rights, but must fulfill the obligation to test and verify the breeding of the species they breed.
(3) Notwithstanding paragraphs (1) and (2), any member of the union implementing this Convention shall have the right to restrict the interests of any member state of the union that is or is a member of the union that implements this Convention and the natural and legal persons who settle in or have a registered office in any of those other states.
Article 4 genera and species of plants that must or can be protected
(1) This Convention may be applied to all genera and species of plants.
(2) The member states of the alliance shall take all necessary measures to gradually implement the provisions of this Convention with regard to as many genera and species of plants as possible.
(3) (a) each member of the union shall implement the provisions of this Convention in at least five genera or species as of the date of entry into force of this Convention in its territory.
(b) Subsequently, each member of the union shall implement the provisions of this Convention in more genera or species within the following period from the date of entry into force of this Convention in its territory:
(I) there are at least ten genera or species in three years;
(II) there are at least 18 genera or species in six years;
(III) there are at least 24 genera or species in eight years;
(c) If a member of a union restricts the application of this Convention in a genus or species in accordance with Article 2 (2), the genus and species shall remain considered as a genus or species as provided for in subparagraphs (a) and (b).
(4) At the request of any state wishing to ratify, accept, approve or accede to this Convention, the Council may, on the basis of the special conditions of the economy or ecology of the country, decide to reduce the minimum limit set out in paragraph (3) or extend the period set forth in that paragraph, or both.
(5) At the request of any member of the union, the Council may, in accordance with the special difficulties that it encounters in fulfilling its obligations under paragraph (3) (b), decide to extend the period set out in paragraph (3) (b) for that state.
Article 5 the rights protected; the scope of protection
(1) The role of the rights granted to breeders is to obtain the consent of the breeder in advance when dealing with the following treatments of protected varieties, such as sexual or asexual reproductive materials:
--Production for commercial sale;
--Provide for sale;
--Market sales.
Asexual propagation materials shall be considered to include the whole plant. In the production of ornamental plants or cut flowers, when ornamental plants or their plant parts are used as breeding materials for commercial purposes, the rights of breeders can be extended to ornamental plants or parts of plants for general sale rather than reproduction.
(2) The breeder may authorize according to the conditions specified by himself.
(3) No consent of the breeder is required for the sale of other varieties or varieties produced by using varieties as the source of variation. However, if the product is reused for commercial production of another variety, consent of the breeder must be obtained.
(4) Under national law or in the special agreement referred to in Article 29, any member of the union may grant breeders more protection rights to certain genera or species than those provided for in paragraph (1), in particular products that have been sold on the market. The interests of the members of the union that grant such rights may be limited to the interests of nationals of other league member states that grant equal rights and natural and legal persons who have settled or have offices in those Union Member States.
Article 6 conditions for protection
(1) The breeder shall enjoy the protection provided for in this Convention if:
(a) No matter the origin of the original variety is artificial or natural, the variety should have one or more obvious characteristics different from any other known varieties when applying for protection. The existence of "known" may refer to the following factors: it has been cultivated or sold, it has been or is being registered in the statutory registry, it has been published in the references or it has been accurately described in the publications. The characteristics that enable varieties to be identified and distinguished must be accurately identified and described.
(b) When applying to a union member state for registration of protection:
(I) the variety has not been offered for sale or marketed in the territory of the country without the consent of the breeder, and if the law of the country provides otherwise, it shall not be sold for more than one year.
(II) varieties of vines, trees, fruit trees and ornamental plants, including their rhizomes, which, with the consent of the breeder, have been offered for sale in any other country or have been on the market for not more than six years, or all other plants for not more than four years.
The trial planting of varieties unrelated to offering for sale or marketing shall not affect the right of protection. The fact that it becomes a known variety by means other than offering for sale or marketing does not affect the protection right of breeders.
(c) The sexual or asexual reproduction characteristics of this variety must be sufficiently homogeneous or consistent.
(d) The basic characteristics of this variety must be stable. That is, after repeated reproduction, or at the end of each cycle of a specific breeding cycle prescribed by the breeder, the basic characteristics of the variety are still consistent with the original description.
(e) The variety shall be named according to Article 13.
(2) The breeder shall apply for registration in accordance with the legal procedures of the member state of the union where the application is submitted, including payment of fees; the right of protection shall not be granted on conditions other than those specified above.
Article 7 official inspection of varieties; temporary protection
(1) A variety is granted the right of protection after it has been tested according to the standards specified in Article 6. This test applies to each plant genus or species.
(2) In order to facilitate testing, the competent authorities of each union member state may require the breeder to provide all necessary information, documents, breeding materials or seeds.
(3) Any member of the alliance can take measures to protect the rights of breeders from the application for registration to approval, so as to prevent infringement by third parties.
Article 8 time limit of protection
There is a certain period of time for breeders to obtain their rights. The term of protection shall not be less than 15 years from the date of granting the right of protection. Lianas, trees, fruit trees and ornamental trees, including their rhizomes, are protected for 18 years.
Article 9 restrictions on the exercise of the right of protection
(1) The breeder is free to exercise the exclusive rights granted to him, except in the public interest.
(2) If the breeder's rights are restricted in order to popularize the variety widely, the member states of the alliance shall take all necessary measures to pay the breeder accordingly.
Article 10 invalidity and revocation of the right of protection
(1) If it is confirmed that the conditions specified in Article 6 (1) (a) and (b) have not been effectively observed when the right of protection is granted, the rights of the breeder will be declared invalid in accordance with the provisions of the national laws of the member states of the alliance.
(2) When the breeder no longer provides the competent authority with breeding materials that can produce varieties whose characteristics have been clearly defined at the time when the right of protection is granted, his right is revoked.
(3) In case of the following circumstances, the breeder's right will be revoked:
(a) After being requested and within the prescribed time limit, the breeder fails to provide the competent authority with the breeding materials, documents and information necessary for the examination of the varieties, or the breeder is not allowed to inspect the method of preserving the varieties;
(b) The breeder fails to pay the effective fee for protecting his rights within the prescribed time limit.
(4) Except for the reasons provided in this article, the rights of breeders shall not be invalid or revoked.

Article 11 the member state applying for the first registration
Free choice; application in other member states;
Independence of protection rights in different Member States
(1) Breeders may choose, as they wish, the member states to whom the right to protection is first registered.
(2) The breeder may apply to other member states for the right to protection without waiting for the member state applying for protection for the first time to grant the right to protection.
(3) The right of protection obtained by natural persons or legal persons in different member states of the union under this Convention shall be independent of the right to protection obtained in other countries of the same variety, whether or not that state is a member of the union.
Article 12 priority
(1) Any breeder who has formally filed an application for protection to a member state of a union shall enjoy a 12-month priority if he wishes to apply in other member states. The time of priority shall be calculated from the date of submission of the first application. The date of submission of the application is not included.
(2) To enjoy the provisions of paragraph (1), a re application must include an application for protection, a request for priority for the first application, and a document containing the first application, which has been confirmed by the original competent authority for acceptance, to be true within three months.
(3) The breeder may, within four years after the expiration of the priority, submit to the member states of the union that have applied for protection under paragraph (2) supplementary documents required by its laws and regulations. Although the application's priority claim has been rejected or revoked, the state may request that it submit additional documents and materials within the appropriate period.
(4) The circumstances that arise within the period prescribed in paragraph (1), such as the making of other applications and the publication or use of the subject matter of the application, shall not constitute a reason for denying an application submitted under the conditions set forth above, and these circumstances shall not give rise to any rights or rights of any individual to a third party.
Article 13 name of varieties
(1) The variety shall be named after the general name. Each member of the union shall ensure that, subject to paragraph (4), the registered variety name does not have the right to prevent the free use of the name related to the variety, even after the expiry of the protection period.
(2) The variety name must be able to identify the variety. Except for the habit, we can not just name it with numbers. The name shall not lead to misunderstanding or confusion about the characteristics, values or categories of the varieties or the identity of the breeder. In particular, the name must be different from the name of an existing variety of the same or similar species as any member of the union.
(3) The breeder shall apply for the name of the competent authority as provided in Article 30, paragraph (1) (b). If it is found that the name does not meet the requirements of paragraph (2), the competent authority shall not register and require the breeder to propose another name within the prescribed period. The name of the variety shall be registered when the protection right is granted in accordance with Article 7.
(4) The prior right of a third party shall not be affected. If, for the sake of prior rights, a person is prohibited from using a variety name and it must use the name of the variety under paragraph (7), the competent authority under paragraph (1) (b) of Article 30 shall require the breeder to propose another name for the variety.
(5) A variety must be presented in the same name in all union member states. The competent authority under Article 30 (1) (b) shall register the name accordingly. However, if it is considered inappropriate in the country, the breeder may be required to change the name.
(6) The competent authority as provided in Article 30 (1) (b) shall ensure that all other competent authorities receive information about the variety name. In particular, the presentation, registration and cancellation of names. Any competent authority provided for in paragraph (1) (b) of Article 30 may return its opinion on registration of the name to the authority issuing the name information.
(7) The prior right does not limit the use of the variety name in accordance with paragraph (4). Any person in a member state of the Union who provides for sale or marketing of sexual or asexual reproductive materials of protected varieties in that country must use the name of the variety, even after the expiry of the protection period.
(8) When the variety is offered for sale or market sale, the registered variety name shall be used in conjunction with the trademark, commodity name and other similar marks. If such mark is used in combination, the name of the variety shall be easy to identify.
Article 14 measures for the administration of variety protection independent of seed production, appraisal and sales
(1) The rights granted to breeders under this Convention are not subject to the management of the production, identification and sale of seeds and reproductive materials used with Member States of the alliance.
(2) However, these measures should avoid, as far as possible, the implementation of the provisions of this Convention.
Article 15 the permanent establishment of the institutional alliance of the alliance is:
(1) Council.
(2) General Secretariat, named the office of the International Union for the protection of new varieties of plants.
Article 16 composition of the Council; voting right
(1) The Council is composed of representatives of the member states of the union. Each member state will appoint one representative and one alternate to the Council.
(2) The representative or alternate may be equipped with an assistant or consultant.
(3) Each member of the league has a vote in the Council.
Article 17 observers for the Council meeting
(1) States that are not members of the non union that have signed the text of this Convention will be invited to attend the Council meeting as observers.
(2) Other observers or experts may also be invited to attend these meetings.
Article 18 the president and vice president of the Council
(1) The Council will elect one of its members, one chairman and one first vice president. Other vice chairmen may also be elected. When the chairman of the board of directors is unable to preside over the work, the first vice president shall act on behalf of the chairman.
(2) The term of office of the chairman committee is three years.
Article 19 Council meeting
(1) The president of the board of directors convened a meeting of the Council.
(2) The Council's regular meetings are held once a year. In addition, the chairman may, at his discretion, convene a meeting. If one third of the member states so requests, the chairman shall convene a meeting within three months.
Article 20 rules of procedure of the Council;
Administrative and financial rules of the Alliance
The Council shall establish its procedural rules and the administrative and financial rules of the alliance.
Article 21 the mandate of the Council
The mandate of the Council is:
(a) To study the appropriate measures to protect the interests of the alliance and promote the development of the alliance;
(b) Appoint the Secretary General and, as necessary, appoint a deputy secretary general to determine the terms of office of the two;
(c) Review the annual report on the activities of the alliance and develop a future work plan;
(d) Give the secretary general all necessary instructions to complete the tasks of the alliance. See article 23 for the responsibilities of the Secretary General;
(e) To examine and approve the budget of the alliance and determine the number of contributions paid by the member states of the alliance in accordance with Article 26;
(f) To examine and approve the accounts submitted by the Secretary General;
(g) Determine the date and place of the meeting as mentioned in Article 27, and take necessary measures to prepare for the meeting;
(h) In summary, take all necessary decisions to ensure that the alliance plays an effective role.
Article 22 majority required by the adoption of Council resolutions
Any resolution of the Council requires a simple majority of the votes of the members present at the meeting. However, the Council must adopt a resolution provided for in Article 4 (4), Article 20, Article 21 (E), Article 26 (5) (b), Article 27 (1), Article 28 (3) or Article 32 (3), and the Council must pass by a vote of three quarters of the members present. Abstaining votes are not counted in the number of votes.
Article 23 the tasks of the league office;
The duties of the Secretary General; appointment of staff
(1) The office of the League carries out all the duties and tasks entrusted by the Council. It is under the leadership of the Secretary General.
(2) The secretary general is responsible to the Council; he is responsible for the implementation of Council resolutions. Submit the budget to the Council for approval and put into effect. To submit to the Council annual reports on administration, as well as reports on the activities and financial situation of the alliance.
(3) In addition to Article 21 (b), the conditions for appointment and employment of staff are determined in accordance with the administrative and financial rules set forth in Article 20 in order to effectively complete the tasks of the union office.
Article 24 legal status
(1) The alliance has the legal person qualification.
(2) In the territory of any member state of the union, the union, in accordance with the law of that state, has the necessary legal qualifications to exercise its duties and achieve its objectives.
(3) The alliance and the Swiss federal government have signed an agreement to establish the headquarters of the alliance.
Article 25 Audit of accounts
In accordance with the rules on Administration and finance as mentioned in Article 20, the Council shall appoint a member state and reach an agreement with it to consider the accounting accounts of the alliance.
Article 26 Finance
(1) The costs of the alliance are:
--Annual contributions of member states of the Union;
--Remuneration from the provision of services;
--Miscellaneous income.
(2) (a) the share of contributions paid by each member state of the union to the total amount of the total amount of the membership fee of the league and the number of contributions under subsection (3) shall be taken into account, and the share of the contributions shall be calculated in accordance with paragraph (4);
(b) The number of membership dues shall be expressed in integers or scores, but the number shall not be less than one fifth.
(3) (a) the number of contributions that the States members of the union shall bear as of the date of entry into force of this Convention shall be as immediately as those already paid by that state in accordance with the 1962 convention, as amended by supplement in 1972, before the date of entry into force;
(b) In the case of any other state, when it joins the alliance, it shall declare to the secretary general the number of contributions it can bear;
(c) Any member of the union may at any time submit to the secretary general a statement indicating that a contribution is different from the amount of contributions in subparagraphs (a) or (b) above. If this request is made in the first six months of the Gregorian calendar year, it can be implemented at the beginning of the next calendar year; otherwise, it must be implemented at the beginning of the next calendar year after the request is made.
(4) (a) at each budget stage, the total expenditure in the Union member congress fee divided by the total number of membership membership membership membership membership membership membership membership membership contributions, the amount of money for each share of contributions;
(b) The total assessed contributions of each member of the union are equal to the sum of money per share of the contributions multiplied by the number of contributions that the country has undertaken.
(5) (a) subject to sub paragraph (b), member states that are in arrears with contributions of two or more years shall not exercise their right to vote in the Council, and the suspension of voting rights shall not relieve that state of its obligations under the Convention or deprive it of any other rights;
(b) If it is confirmed to the Council that the default in paying contributions is due to special and unavoidable circumstances, the Council may retain the voting rights of that member state.

Article 27 amendment of the Convention
(1) This Convention may be amended by the general assembly of the member states of the union. The convening of such a meeting is up to the Council.
(2) At least half of the member states present at the meeting will their decisions be valid. The revision of the text of the Convention requires the presence of five fifths of the majority of the member states of the alliance.
Article 28 language used in office and council meetings
(1) The union office performs its functions in English, French and German.
(2) The meetings of the Council and its meetings amending the Convention should use these three languages.
(3) The Council may decide, as necessary, to use other languages.
Article 29 special agreement on the protection of new plant varieties
The member states of the union reserve the right to sign special agreements between them for the protection of new varieties of plants, provided that they do not conflict with the provisions of this Convention.
Article 30 implementation of the convention within its own country: Contracts for joint use of services provided by review bodies
(1) Each member of the union shall take all necessary measures to implement this Convention, in particular:
(a) To give appropriate remedies to the law in order to effectively protect the rights provided for in this Convention;
(b) To establish a special organ for the protection of new plant varieties or entrust the protection to an existing organ;
(c) Ensure that the public is informed of the relevant matters of such protection, for example, at least periodically publish a catalogue of new varieties granted protection.
(2) Special contracts may also be signed between the competent authorities of the member states of the union, which aims to jointly utilize the variety review services conducted by the entrusted authorities in accordance with Article 7, as well as the necessary and informative variety materials and documents collected.
(3) When a state deposits documents that ratify, accepts, approves or accedes to the text of this Convention, it shall implement the provisions of this convention within its domestic law.
Article 31 signature
All States members of the Union and all States present at diplomatic meetings that have adopted the text of this Convention may sign the text of this Convention. The date of signature is as of october31,1979.
Article 32 approval, acceptance or approval; accession
(1) Any state that agrees to be bound by the text of this Convention shall:
(a) If the text of this Convention has been signed, deposit the instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval;
(b) If the text of this Convention is not signed, the instrument of accession shall be deposited.
(2) The instrument of approval, acceptance, approval or accession shall be deposited with the Secretary General.
(3) Any non union member state that has not signed the text of this Convention shall, before depositing its instrument of accession, seek the Council's opinion on whether its domestic law is in conformity with the provisions of the text of this Convention. If you get a positive reply, you can deposit the accession form.
Article 33 entry into force; termination of previous text
(1) The text of this Convention shall enter into force one month after the following two conditions have been met:
(a) Not less than five certificates of approval, acceptance, approval or accession deposited;
(b) At least three of the documents deposited above are deposited by member states that are parties to the 1961 Convention text.
(2) For states that deposit instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession in accordance with paragraphs (1) (a) and (b), the text of this Convention shall enter into force one month after the deposit of the above-mentioned national documents.
(3) Once the text of this Convention enters into force in accordance with paragraph (1), no state shall accede to the 1961 Convention text, which has been amended by the 1972 supplement.
Article 34 relations between states bound by different texts
(1) The member states of the alliance bound by the 1961 Convention text, which have been amended by the 1972 supplement, will continue to implement the above-mentioned text of the Convention revised by the above supplementary text in their relations with other member states of the union which are not bound by the text of this convention since the date of entry into force of this Convention in that country, until the text of this Convention also enters into force in that other member state of the union.
(2) Any member of the Union (the "former" state) not bound by the text of this Convention may declare in a report to the Secretary General that it will implement the 1961 Convention text, as amended by the 1972 supplement, in its relationship with the state which is bound by the text of this Convention to become a member of the Union through ratification, acceptance, approval or accession (the "post text" state) . From one month from the date of any such notification until the text of this Convention enters into force in that country, the former State implements the 1961 Convention text, which has been revised by the 1972 supplementary text in its relationship with the latter, while the latter States implement the text of the Convention in its relationship with the former.
Article 35. The protected plant genera and species
Information exchange
(1) When the states of Non Union Member States deposit their instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession to the text of this Convention, they shall submit to the secretary general a list of the genus and species of plants that it will protect in accordance with the provisions of the text of this Convention after the text of this Convention enters into force in that country.
(2) The Secretary General shall publish the following information in accordance with communications received from each member state of the relevant coalition:
(a) Other genera and species of plants that have been added to the scope of application of this Convention after the text of this Convention has entered into force in that country;
(b) The use of any of the powers provided for in Article 3 (3);
(c) The use of rights conferred by the Council under Article 4 (4) or (5);
(d) Any use of the power provided for in the first sentence of Article 5 (4) indicates the nature of the extended right and details the genus and species of plants to which such power applies;
(e) Any use of the powers provided for in the second sentence of Article 5 (4);
(f) The fact that the law of the country contains the provisions permitted by Article 6 (1) (b) (I), and the period of the consent;
(g) If the period referred to in Article 8 exceeds the 15 and 18 years set out in the article, the period set by the State shall be informed.
Article 36 territory
(1) Any state may declare in its instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession to the text of this Convention, or at any time thereafter by written notice to the secretary general, the text of which shall apply to the entire or part of the territory designated in the declaration and notice.
(2) Any state making such a declaration or notification may at any time notify the Secretary General that the implementation of this Convention shall cease to be implemented throughout or in part of the territory.
(3) (a) a statement issued in accordance with subsection (1) shall take effect on the same date as the annexed instrument of approval, acceptance, approval or accession. Any notice to the Secretary General under that paragraph shall take effect three months after the notice is given to the Secretary General. 
(b) A notice under paragraph (2) shall take effect 12 months after the Secretary General receives the notice.
Article 37 exception rules of two forms of protection
(1) Although there is provision in Article 2 (1), before the end of the signing stage of the text of this Convention, any state providing different forms of protection for one and the same genus or species of plants, if the state has reported to the Secretary General when signing the text of this Convention or depositing a letter of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession to the text of this Convention, it can continue to be true Do the original.
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of articles 6 (1) (a) and (b) and 8, if a member of the union invokes patent law protection in accordance with paragraph (1), it may protect it according to the duration of the patent law and the patent standard.
(3) The state may at any time notify the Secretary General to withdraw its notice under paragraph (1). The effective date of the withdrawal notice is the date stated in the notice by the state.
Article 38 transitional restrictions on novelty requirements
Although there is provision in Article 6, any member of the League may limit the requirements for variety novelty in the articles on the terms of the genus or species of newly bred varieties existing on the date of the first implementation of the text of this Convention.
Article 39 maintenance of existing rights
This Convention will not affect the existing rights under the laws of the States members of the union or agreements concluded between them.
Article 40 reservation
Reservations are not allowed to this Convention.
Article 41 term of the Convention and declaration of withdrawal from the Convention
(1) There is no limitation on the duration of this Convention.
(2) Any member of the League may, upon notification to the secretary general, declare its withdrawal from this Convention. The Secretary General shall inform the member states of the alliance in a timely manner.
(3) At the end of the year after the Secretary General receives the notification, it takes effect.
(4) The right to varieties acquired as a result of this Convention shall not be affected until the date of entry into force of the notice.
Article 42 language; responsibilities of the preservation institution
(1) The text of this Convention is signed in French, English and German in one original. In case of different texts, French text is taken as the standard. The original is kept by the Secretary General.
(2) The Secretary General shall forward two copies of the text of this Convention, which are confirmed, to the governments attending the diplomatic conference to which the text of this Convention is adopted and, upon request, to the governments of any other state.
(3) Following consultations with the governments of countries interested in the Convention at the above-mentioned meeting, the Secretary General shall develop official texts in Arabic, Dutch, Italian, Japanese, Spanish and other languages designated by the Council.
(4) The Secretary General will register the text of this Convention in the United Nations Secretariat.
(5) The Secretary General shall inform the governments of the member states of the Union and the governments of non union member states that have attended the diplomatic conference to sign the text of this Convention of the deposit of instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval and accession, as well as the notices and notices received in accordance with Articles 34 (2), 36 (1) and (2), 30.7 (1) and (3) or 41 (2) A statement made under Article 36 (1).

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