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Berne Convention for the protection of literary and artistic works (1971)


(revised in Paris on 24 July 1971)
Signed on September 9, 1886, supplemented in Paris on May 4, 1896, revised in Berlin on November 13, 1908, in Bernie on March 20, 1914, Rome on June 2, 1928, Brussels on June 26, 1948, Stockholm on July 14, 1967, Paris on July 24, 1971, and September 28, 1979.
The members of the alliance are jointly encouraged by the desire to protect the author's rights in literature and art as effectively and as consistently as possible, recognizes the importance of the work of the revision conference held in Stockholm in 1967, and decides to revise the text of the convention adopted by the Stockholm Conference, but not to change Articles 1 to 20 and 22-26 of the text of the Convention.
The following signed plenipotentiaries, after having submitted the inspection credentials, consider them to be proper, hereby agree as follows:
Article 1 the state applying this Convention forms an alliance to protect the author's rights over his literary and artistic works.
Article 2
1. the term "literary and artistic works" includes all achievements in the fields of literature, science and art, regardless of their table What is the present form or manner, such as books, pamphlets and other works of writing; lectures, speeches, sermons and other works of the same nature; plays or musical plays; dance art works and pantomime; music with words or unfixed words; cinematographic works and works performed in a similar way; pictures, oil paintings, buildings, sculptures, carvings and print works; photography Works and works represented in a similar photographic way; practical art works; illustrations, maps, design drawings, sketches and stereoscopic works related to geography, topography, architecture or science.
2. the member states of the alliance may, through domestic legislation, stipulate that all works or any particular kind of work will not be protected without being fixed in a certain material form.
3. translation, adaptation, music adaptation and other changes to literary or artistic works shall be protected equally with the original, but shall not damage the copyright of the original.
4. the protection of official documents of legislative, administrative or judicial nature and official translations of these documents by the member states of the alliance shall be determined by their domestic legislation.
5. the compilation of literary or artistic works, such as encyclopedia and anthology, which constitutes intellectual creation due to the selection and arrangement of materials, shall be protected by the copyright of each work in the compilation without prejudice to it.
6. the works mentioned in this article enjoy protection in all Member States of the union. This protection is for the benefit of the author and his successors in rights.
7. on the premise of complying with the provisions of Article 7, paragraph 4, of this Convention, the member states of the alliance may, through domestic legislation, stipulate to what extent their laws apply to practical art works and industrial products plane and stereoscopic design, as well as the conditions for the protection of such works and plans and stereoscopic designs. Works protected only as plane and stereoscopic design in the country of origin enjoy the special protection given by other members of the union to plane and stereoscopic design in each country; however, if such special protection is not given in the country, the works will be protected as art works.
8. the protection of this Convention shall not apply to daily news or social news of the nature of newspaper and newspaper information.
Article 2 bis
1. whether the statements made in the political speeches and proceedings are excluded in whole or in part from the protection provided in the preceding article, shall fall within the scope of the domestic legislation of the member states of the alliance.
2. lectures, speeches or other works of the same nature that are published in public, if necessary for the purpose of news reporting, may be published in newspapers and magazines, broadcast or transmitted to the public, and in the form of Article 11 bis (1), shall also fall within the scope of the domestic legislation of the member states of the same Union.
3. however, the author has the exclusive right to compile the works mentioned in the preceding two paragraphs.
Article 3
1. in accordance with this Convention,
(a) The author is a national of any member of the union, and his works are protected whether or not they have been published or not;
(b) The author is a national of any member of the union, and his works are protected for the first time in one member state of the union or published simultaneously by a non member state and an ally member state;
2. the author of a national who is not a member of the union but whose habitual residence is in the state of a member shall enjoy the treatment of a national of that member state for the purpose of implementing this Convention.
3. "published works" refers to the work published with the consent of the author, and regardless of the way of making the copy, the issue of the copy can meet the reasonable needs of the public as long as the nature of the work is concerned. The performance of drama, musical drama or film works, the performance of music works, the public recitation of literary works, the wired transmission or broadcasting of literary or artistic works, the exhibition of art works and the construction of architectural works shall not constitute publication.
4. a work published in two or more countries within 30 days after its first publication shall be deemed to be published in several countries at the same time.
Article 4 the following authors shall apply the protection of this Convention even if they do not meet the conditions provided for in Article 3:
(a) The author of a film work in the country of a member of the union, or a graphic and stereoscopic art work which forms part of a building in a member of the union, where the producer's head office or habitual residence is located.
Article 5
1. in terms of works protected by this Convention, the author shall enjoy the rights now and in the future granted to its nationals by the laws of each country in the member states of the union other than the country of origin of the work, as well as the rights specially granted by this Convention.
2. the enjoyment and exercise of these rights does not require any formalities, whether or not the state of origin of the work has protection. Therefore, the extent of protection and the remedies provided to the author for the protection of the rights of the author, except for the provisions of this Convention, are entirely provided for by the law of the state to which the protection is required.
3. the protection of the state of origin is provided for by the law of that state. If the author is not a national of the country of origin, but his works are protected by the Convention, the author still enjoys the same rights as the author of his country.
4. the country of origin refers to:
(a) For the first time published in a member state of the alliance, the country shall be the country of origin; for the works published simultaneously by several member states of the alliance which are given different protection periods, the country with the shortest period of protection given by legislation shall be the origin country;
(b) For works published simultaneously in non members of the Union and the member states of the alliance, the latter is the country of origin;
(c) For unpublished works or works published for the first time in a non member state of the Union and not published simultaneously in the member states of the alliance, the member states of the alliance whose author is its national are the origin countries, however
(1) For the film works of the producer's headquarters or habitual residence in the country of a member of the union, the country of origin shall be the country of origin.
(2) For the architectural works built in the country of a member of the union or the plane and stereoscopic art works that form part of the buildings of a member state of the union, the country shall be the country of origin.
Article 6
1. if any non member state fails to fully protect the works of the author of a national of a member state of the union, the member state may limit the protection of the works of the author who was a national of the non ally member state at the time of its first publication and did not have a habitual residence in the member state. If the first publishing country uses this right, other members of the Union will not be required to give wider protection to the works which are subject to special treatment as a result.
2. no restriction provided in the preceding paragraph shall affect the rights of the author to publish works published in any member state of the Union before such restriction is implemented.
3. the member states of the union that impose restrictions on the protection of copyright under this article shall, by written declaration, inform the director general of the World Intellectual Property Organization (hereinafter referred to as the director general) of the restrictions on the rights of the States subject to the protection and the rights of the authors of their nationals. The director general shall immediately inform all Member States of the union of the statement.
Article 6 bis
1. not affected by the author's economic rights, even after the above-mentioned economic rights are transferred, the author still has the right to claim the identity of the author of his work, and has the right to oppose any distortion, separation or other alteration or other damage to his work which may damage his reputation.
2. the rights given to the author under the first paragraph above shall be retained at least until the expiration of the author's economic rights after his death and shall be exercised by the person or institution authorized by the national law of the state where protection is sought. However, when ratifying or acceding to the text of this Convention, states whose laws do not include states that guarantee the protection of all the rights recognized in the first paragraph above after the author's death, shall have the right to provide that certain rights of these rights shall not be reserved after the author dies.
3. the remedies adopted to protect the rights recognized in this article are provided for by the law of the state in which protection is required.
Article 7
1. the term of protection given in this Convention shall be the life of the author and within 50 years after his death.
2. in terms of film works, the member states of the alliance have the right to stipulate that the period of protection shall expire 50 years after the work is made public with the consent of the author. If it has not been made public within 50 years after the completion of the work, the period shall expire 50 years after the completion of the work.
3. as for anonymous works and pseudonymous works, the protection period given by this Convention shall be valid for 50 years from the date of its law being public. However, when the identity of the author can be determined without doubt according to the pseudonym adopted by the author, the period of protection is the period prescribed in paragraph 1. If the author of an unnamed work or pseudonym works discloses his identity within the above period, the period of protection shall be the period of protection prescribed in paragraph 1. The member states of the union are not obliged to protect anonymous works or pseudonyms which have sufficient grounds to presume that their authors have died for 50 years.
4. the protection period of photographic works and practical works of art protected as art works shall be stipulated by the laws of the member states of the Union; however, the period shall not be less than 25 years from the completion of the work.
5. the period of protection after the death of the author and the period specified in the second, third and fourth paragraphs above shall begin from the time of his death or the events mentioned in the above paragraphs, but such period shall be calculated from the first day of January of the following year after the death or the said event.
6. the member states of the alliance have the right to give a longer period of protection than those provided for in the preceding paragraphs.
7. the member states of the union, bound by the Roman text of this Convention and in force at the time of signing this Convention, have the right to maintain such a period when they accede to or ratify the text of the Convention, which provides for a period of protection shorter than the period of protection of the preceding paragraphs.
8. in any case, the period will be prescribed by the law of the state in which protection is required; however, unless otherwise provided for in the law of that country, such period shall not exceed the period prescribed by the country of origin of the work.
The provisions of the preceding Article 7 bis shall also apply to the works which are shared by the co authors, but the period of protection after the death of the author shall be calculated from the time of the death of the last author who died.
Article 8 the author of a literary and artistic work protected by this Convention shall have the exclusive right to the original.
Article 9
1. literary and artistic works protected by this Convention? The exclusive right to make these works.
2. the laws of the member states of the union may allow the reproduction of the above works in certain special circumstances, as long as such reproduction does not harm the normal use of the work and does not infringe on the legitimate interests of the author without any reason.
3. all recordings or videos shall be deemed to be copies within the meaning of this Convention.
Article 10
1. it is legal to extract citations from a work legally public, including articles quoted in newspaper and periodicals in the form of Newspaper Abstracts. It is legal to use them reasonably and within the proper needs for the purpose.
2. the laws of the member states of the Union and the existing or to be signed special agreements between the member states provide that the right to use literary and artistic works as teaching explanations through publications, radio broadcasts or audio and video recordings may be legally used as long as they are used within the proper scope of the needs for the purpose and are in accordance with the reasonable use.
3. the extracts and uses mentioned in the preceding paragraphs shall indicate the origin. If the original source has the name of the author, it shall also be explained at the same time.
Article 10 bis
1. the laws of the member states of the union may permit the reproduction of current articles published in newspapers and periodicals, discussing economic, political or religious matters, or works of the same nature, through newspapers, radio or cable communications, but only if such reproduction, broadcast or cable communication is not expressly reserved. However, the source should be clearly stated; the legal liability for breach of this obligation is determined by the law of the state that is required to be protected.
2. when the current news is reported by means of photography or film, or broadcast or by public cable, the conditions for copying and publicizing literary and artistic works seen or heard in the event are reproduced and publicized within the proper need for the purpose of reporting, and shall also be stipulated by the laws of the member states of the union.
Article 11
1. the author of a dramatic work, musical drama work and musical work shall have the following exclusive rights:
(1) Authorize the public performance and performance of its works, including the public performance and performance by various means and means;
(2) To authorize the public broadcasting of the performance and performance of his works by various means.
2. the author of a dramatic work or musical drama work shall enjoy the same right to the translation of his work throughout the period of his or her right to the original work.
Article 11 bis
1. the author of a literary and artistic work shall have the following exclusive rights:
(1) Authorize broadcasting of its work or by any other means of wireless transmission of symbols, sounds or images to the public;
(2) Authorize another institution other than the original broadcasting agency to transmit the broadcast works to the public through cable transmission or retransmission;
(3) The work authorized to transmit broadcast to the public through a loudspeaker or any other similar tool for transmitting symbols, sounds or images.
2. the conditions for exercising the rights referred to in paragraph 1 above shall be stipulated by the laws of the member states of the union, but the effect of these conditions shall be strictly limited to those states that have made provisions in this regard. In no case shall these conditions prejudice the author's spiritual rights or the right of the author to receive reasonable remuneration, which shall be prescribed by the competent authority in the absence of an agreement.
3. unless otherwise provided, the authorization under paragraph 1 of this article does not mean that it is authorized to record broadcast works by means of recording or recording equipment. However, the laws of the member states of the union may determine the rules for a broadcasting institution to use its own equipment and make temporary recordings for its own broadcast. The laws of the member states of the alliance may also be approved to be kept by the National Archives because of their special documentary properties.
Article 11 ter
1. the author of a literary work shall have the following exclusive rights:
(1) Authorize the public recitation of his works, including by various means or means;
(2) The authorization to broadcast publicly the recitation of his work by various means.
2. the author of a literary work shall enjoy the same rights in the translation of his works throughout the period of his / her right to the original work.
Article 12 the author of a literary and artistic work shall have the exclusive right to authorize the adaptation, music adaptation and other changes to his works.
Article 13

1. Each member of the union may, in the light of its own national conditions, prescribe reservations and conditions to the exclusive right of the author of a musical work and to the author of the lyrics who permits the recording of the lyrics with the musical work to record the above musical work and the musical work with the lyrics, provided that the validity of such reservations and conditions shall be strictly limited to the country which makes the provision and shall not be prejudiced in any case The right of the author to a reasonable remuneration prescribed by the competent authority in the absence of an agreement.
2. In accordance with Article 13, paragraph 3, of the conventions signed at Rome on June 2, 1928 and at Brussels on June 26, 1948, sound recordings of musical works recorded in a member state of the union may be reproduced in that state without the consent of the author of the musical works within a period of two years from the date on which that state is bound by this text.
3. If a sound recording made in accordance with the first and second paragraphs of this article is imported without the approval of the relevant party, the state which regards such sound recording as infringing may detain it.
Article 14
1. The author of a literary or artistic work shall enjoy the following exclusive rights:
(1) Authorizing the adaptation and reproduction of such works into films and the distribution of works so adapted or reproduced;
(2) Authorizing the public performance, performance and wired dissemination of works so adapted or reproduced to the public.
2. The adaptation of a film work based on a literary or artistic work in any other artistic form shall be authorized by the author of the original work without prejudice to the authorization of the author of the film work.
3. The provisions of the first paragraph of Article 13 shall not apply (to films).
Article 14 bis
1. Without prejudice to the copyright of the adapted or copied work, the film work shall be protected as the original work. The copyright owner of a film work shall enjoy the same rights as the author of the original work, including the rights mentioned in the preceding article.
2. (a) the determination of the owner of the copyright of a film work falls within the scope of the national law requiring protection.
(b) However, in the member states of the union whose laws recognize that the authors participating in the production of film works shall belong to the copyright owners, if they agree to participate in this work, they shall not object to the reproduction, distribution, public performance, performance, cable transmission to the public, broadcasting, public transmission, subtitle preparation and dubbing of film works, unless there are contrary or special provisions.
(c) For the purpose of applying item B of this paragraph, the question whether the form of consent referred to above should be a written contract or an equivalent instrument shall be governed by the laws of the member states of the union where the film producer's headquarters or habitual residence are located. However, the law of the member state of the union that is required to give protection may provide that such consent shall be in the form of a written contract or equivalent instrument. The state in which such a provision is made by law shall notify the director general by a written declaration, which shall immediately notify all other members of the union.
(d) "Contrary or special provision" means any restrictive condition in relation to such promise.
3. Unless otherwise provided by the laws of the people's Republic of China, the provisions of paragraph 2 (b) of this article shall not apply to the authors of scripts, lines and musical works created for a film work, nor to the principal directors of the film work. However, if the laws of the member states of the Union do not provide for the application of paragraph 2 (b) of this article to film directors, they shall notify the director general by a written statement, which shall be transmitted immediately to all other member states of the union.
Article 14 ter
1. For the original work of art and the manuscripts of the author and composer, the author or the person or institution authorized by the national law after the death of the author shall have the inalienable right to share the benefits in any sale of the work after the first transfer of the work by the author.
2. The protection provided for in the preceding paragraph may be claimed in the member states of the union only if such protection is recognized by the law of the author's country, and the extent of protection shall be limited to the extent permitted by the law of the country to which it is claimed.
3. The way and proportion of benefit sharing shall be determined by the laws of all countries.
Article 15
1. The author of a literary or artistic work protected by this Convention shall be deemed to be the author of the work so long as his name appears on the work in the usual manner and in the absence of evidence to the contrary, and shall have the right to bring proceedings against the infringer of his rights in the member States of this union. Even if the author is under a pseudonym, the same applies as long as the identity of the author can be established without doubt on the basis of the pseudonym.
2. A natural or legal person who signs a film work in the usual way is presumed to be the producer of the work unless there is evidence to the contrary.
3. For anonymous works and pseudonymous works other than those mentioned in the first paragraph above, if the name of the publisher appears on the works, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, the publisher shall be regarded as the representative of the author and shall have the right to defend and exercise the rights of the author. When the author discloses his identity and proves that he is the author, the provisions of this paragraph shall cease to apply.
4. (a) for unpublished works whose author's identity is unknown but whose author is reasonably presumed to be a national of a member state of the union, the law of that state may designate the competent authority to represent the author and have the right to defend and exercise the author's rights in the member states of the Union.
(b) A member of the union which has designated a competent authority in accordance with these Provisions shall notify the director general of the matter by a written statement, in which all relevant information about the designated authority shall be stated. The director general shall immediately inform all other members of the union of this statement.
Article 16
1. Infringing copies of a work shall be seized in the member states of the union where the work is protected by law.
2. The provisions of the preceding paragraph also apply to copies from countries that do not protect or cease to protect a work.
3. Seizure should be carried out according to the laws of various countries.
Article 17
If the competent authorities of any member state of the union consider it necessary to exercise the power of license, supervision or prohibition by law or regulation with respect to the distribution, performance or exhibition of any work or product, the provisions of this Convention shall in no way prejudice such power of the governments of the member states of the Union.
Article 18
1. This Convention shall apply to all works which have not entered the public domain in their country of origin at the time of entry into force of this Convention due to the expiration of protection.
2. However, if a work has entered the public domain in the country where it is requested to be protected because the original period of protection has expired, the work will not be re protected.
3. These principles shall be implemented in accordance with the provisions of the relevant special conventions existing or to be concluded between the members of the union. In the absence of such a provision, each country sets the conditions for the implementation of the above principles.
4. The above provisions shall also apply when new members join the Union and when the scope of protection is expanded due to the application of Article 7 or the renunciation of reservation.
Article 19 If the domestic laws of the member states of the Union provide wider protection, the provisions of this Convention shall not prevent the application of such provisions.
Article 20 the governments of the member states of the union reserve the right to enter into special agreements between them that grant authors more rights than those provided for in this Convention, or that do not violate other provisions of this Convention. The terms of existing agreements that meet the above conditions still apply.
Article 21
1. The special provisions concerning developing countries are contained in the annex.
2. Subject to the provisions of Article 28 (1) (b), the annex constitutes this article. (a) the union shall have a general assembly composed of the member states of the union bound by Articles 22 to 26.
(b) Each government is represented by a representative and may be assisted by a number of deputy representatives, consultants and experts.
(c) The cost of each delegation is borne by the government that assigned it.
2. (a) the general assembly:
(1) To deal with all matters concerning the maintenance and development of the Union and the implementation of this Convention;
(2) With due regard to the views of the member states of the union not bound by Articles 22 to 26, to issue instructions on the preparation of the revision conference to the International Intellectual Property Office referred to in the convention establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) (hereinafter referred to as "the International Bureau");
(3) To examine and approve the reports and activities of the director general of WIPO concerning the union, and to issue to him the necessary instructions concerning the competent issues of the Union;
(4) Election of members of the Executive Committee of the Congress;
(5) Review and approve the reports and activities of the Executive Committee and issue instructions to it;
(6) To formulate plans, adopt the two-year budget of the league and approve its final accounts;
(7) To adopt the financial regulations of the Union;
(8) Set up the expert committee and working group needed to realize the alliance goal;
(9) To decide which non member states and intergovernmental and international non-governmental organizations of the United Nations will participate in its meetings as observers;
(10) To adopt amendments to Articles 22 to 26;
(11) Take other appropriate actions to achieve the objectives of the alliance;
(12) To perform all other tasks covered by this Convention;
(13) To exercise the rights granted to and accepted by WIPO by the convention establishing it.
(b) The General Assembly will make a decision on issues concerning other alliances managed by WIPO after learning the opinions of the Coordinating Committee of WIPO.
3. (a) each member of the assembly shall have one vote.
(b) Half of the members of the assembly shall constitute a quorum.
(c) Despite the provisions of item B, if less than half of the countries present at the meeting are equal to or more than one-third of the members of the general assembly, a decision may be made. Except for the decisions concerning the procedure of the general assembly, the decisions of the General Assembly shall be implemented only if the international Bureau notifies the members who are not present at the meeting of the above-mentioned decision and requests them to vote in writing or abandon the decision within three months from the date of the above-mentioned notification Right. If, at the expiration of the period, the number of states voting or abstaining in this way reaches the number lacking in a quorum at the time of the meeting and the necessary majority has been obtained, the above decision can be implemented.
(d) Except as provided in paragraph 2 of Article 26, decisions of the General Assembly shall be adopted by a two-thirds majority of the votes cast.
(e) Abstention is not considered a vote.
(f) A representative can only represent and vote in the name of one country.
(g) Members of the Union who are not members of the General Assembly shall attend the meeting as observers.
4. (a) the General Conference shall hold a regular session every two years, convened by the director general, and shall be held at the same time and place as the general conference of WIPO, except in special circumstances.
(b) At the request of the executive committee or one fourth of the members of the conference, the conference shall be convened by the director general.
5. The general assembly adopts its rules of procedure.
Article 23
1. The general assembly has an executive committee.
2. (a) the Executive Committee shall be composed of countries elected by the general assembly from among its member states. In addition, the country where WIPO is located has an ex officio seat on the Executive Committee, except in the case of Article 25 (7) (b).
(b) Each member government of the Executive Committee has a representative as its representative, who can be assisted by several deputy representatives, consultants and experts.
(c) The cost of each delegation is borne by the government that assigned it.
3. The number of members of the executive committee is one fourth of that of the general assembly. When calculating seats, the remainder is not calculated.
4. When electing the members of the Executive Committee, the General Assembly shall give due consideration to the necessity of equitable distribution according to regions and guarantee the participation of countries that may sign special agreements on the alliance in the Executive Committee
5. (a) the term of office of the members of the Executive Committee shall be from the close of the session of the general assembly in which they are elected to the close of the next regular session of the general assembly.
(b) No more than two-thirds of the members of the executive committee can be re elected.
(c) The General Assembly formulates the procedures for election and possible re-election of members of the Executive Committee.
6. (a) Executive Committee:
(1) Draft agenda of the conference;
(2) To submit to the General Assembly proposals on the draft plan and biennial budget of the union prepared by the director general;
(3) (cancellation);
(4) To submit the director general's periodic report and annual financial audit report to the general assembly with necessary comments;
(5) In accordance with the decisions of the general assembly and taking into account the circumstances arising between the two regular sessions of the general assembly, take all measures conducive to the director general's implementation of the plan of the alliance;
(6) To perform all other tasks entrusted to it within the scope of this Convention.
(b) The executive committee will make a decision on other alliances that are also involved in the management of WIPO after learning the opinions of the Coordinating Committee of WIPO.
7. (a) the Executive Committee, convened by the director general, holds a regular session every year at the same time and place as far as possible with the Coordinating Committee of WIPO.
(b) At the initiative of the director general, or at the request of the chairman of the executive committee or a quarter of the Member States, the Executive Committee shall be convened by the director general to hold a special meeting.
8. (a) each member of the Executive Committee has one vote.
(b) Half of the members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum.
(c) A resolution shall be made by a simple majority of the votes cast.
(d) Abstention is not considered a vote.
(e) A representative can only represent and vote in the name of one country.
9. Members of the Union who are not members of the Executive Committee shall attend its meetings as observers.
10. The executive committee adopts its rules of procedure.
Article 24
1. (a) the administration of the union shall be the responsibility of the International Bureau, which shall take over the work of the union Bureau merged with the union bureau established by the International Convention for the protection of industrial property rights.
(b) The international bureau is responsible for the work of the secretaries of the institutions of the league.

(c) The director general of WIPO is the highest officer of the league and represents the union.
2. the international bureau collects and publishes information on copyright protection, and each member of the League shall notify the International Bureau of all new laws and official documents related to the protection of copyright as soon as possible.
3. the International Bureau publishes a monthly journal.
4. the International Bureau shall, at the request of the member states of the union, provide them with information on copyright protection.
5. the international bureau is engaged in various research and provides services conducive to the protection of copyright.
6. the director general and any staff appointed by him may attend meetings of the general assembly, the Executive Committee, other committees of experts or working groups without the right to vote. The director general or a staff member appointed by him is the ex officio Secretary of these bodies.
7. (a) the International Bureau, in accordance with the instructions of the general assembly and in cooperation with the Executive Committee, prepares a meeting to revise the provisions of the Convention, other than Articles 22 to 26.
(b) The International Bureau may consult intergovernmental and non-governmental international organizations on the preparation of the revision conference.
(c) The director general and the persons appointed by him may participate in the deliberations of these meetings without the right to vote.
The international bureau carries out all other work delivered to it.
Article 25
1. (a) the alliance has its own budget.
(b) The budget of the alliance includes the income and expenditure of the alliance itself, its contribution to the joint expenditure budget of the alliance, and the amount allocated to the budget of the WIPO conference, if necessary.
(c) The expenses of other one or more alliances which are not exclusive to the alliance and also under the management of the property organization shall be regarded as the common expenses of each alliance. The share of the alliance's common expenditure depends on the relationship between these expenditures and it.
2. the budget of the alliance shall be determined in consideration of the requirements for coordination with the budgets of other alliances managed by the property organization.
3. the budget of the alliance is funded from the following sources:
(1) Membership dues of the member states of the alliance;
(2) The income from services provided by the International Bureau on behalf of the league;
(3) Income from the sale of publications of the International Bureau relating to the Union and the royalties of these publications;
(4) Donations, bequests and grants;
(5) Rent, interest and other miscellaneous income.
4. (a) to determine the share of member states in the budget, each member of the alliance is divided into various levels and pays annual contributions in accordance with the following units of quantity:
Level 1: 25 Units
Twenty units of the second level
Level 3 15 units
Level 4 10 units
Level 5 five units
Level 6 three units
Level 7, one unit
(b) Except as previously specified, each state shall state at the time of deposit its instrument of ratification or accession which level it wishes to be included. You can also change the level. If a member state wishes to reduce its level, it shall inform the general assembly of the matter during a regular session. The change takes effect from the beginning of the calendar year following the session.
(c) The annual contribution amount of each country accounts for the same proportion of the total annual contributions paid by all countries to the alliance, the same as the number of units at that level in all countries.
(e) A state that has not paid its contributions after the expiration of the period shall not exercise its voting rights in any body of the union if the total amount of arrears reaches or exceeds the number of contributions it has paid in the past two years. However, if the agency considers that such default is due to extraordinary and unavoidable circumstances, it may be allowed to retain the right to vote.
(f) If the budget has not been passed before the start of the new fiscal year, the budget for the previous year may be extended in accordance with the procedures prescribed by the financial regulations.
5. the amount of income earned by the International Bureau in respect of services provided on behalf of the union shall be determined by the director general, who shall report to the general assembly and the Executive Committee on this.
6. (a) the alliance has a working capital fund consisting of one payment from each member state. If the fund is insufficient, the General Assembly shall decide to increase it.
(b) The initial payments and additions to the above-mentioned funds by each country shall be based on the proportion of contributions paid by that country in the year in which the fund was established or decided.
(c) The proportion and manner of payment shall be decided by the General Assembly on the proposal of the director general and after consultation with the Coordination Committee of WIPO.
7. (a) the address agreement with the country where the property organization is located provides that if the working capital fund is insufficient, it may be advanced by that country. The number of advances and the conditions for advance shall be held by the state and the property organization at each meeting.
(b) The state and property right organization referred to in item a have the right to annul the guarantee of providing advance payment by written notice. Such annulment shall come into force three years after the end of the year when the notice was proposed.
8. in the manner provided for in the financial regulations, the audit of accounts shall be conducted by one or more member states or external auditors of the union as agreed by the general assembly.
Article 26
1. all Member States of the general assembly, the executive committee or the director general may make proposals to amend Articles 22, 23, 24, 25 and this article. The proposals are communicated by the director general to the members of the General Assembly at least six months before they are submitted to the general assembly for review.
2. the amendments to the articles referred to in paragraph 1 shall be adopted by the general assembly and three quarters of the number of votes required; however, any amendment to Article 22 and this paragraph shall be adopted by four fifths of the votes.
3. any amendment to the articles referred to in paragraph 1 shall not take effect until at least one month after the director general receives a written notice of the approval of the amendment by three quarters of the States members of the general assembly, in accordance with their respective constitution, at the time of adoption of the amendment. The amendments to these Provisions accepted in this way are binding on all States members of the general assembly or subsequently member states at the time of entry into force; however, any amendment to the financial obligations of the member states of the union shall be binding only on those states that have been notified to accept such changes.
Article 27
1. this Convention may be amended to improve it and thus to improve the system of the alliance.
2. for this purpose, meetings of representatives of member states of the alliance may be held successively in one member state of the alliance.
3. except for the provisions of Articles 22 to 26, all amendments to this text, including the amendments to the annex, shall be unanimously adopted by the votes.
Article 28
1. (a) any member of the union that has signed the text of this Convention may ratify the text of the Convention and, if not, accede to it. The instrument of ratification or accession is deposited with the director general.
(b) Any member of the union may declare in its instrument of ratification or accession that its ratification or accession shall not apply to articles 1 to 21 and annexes; provided that if it has made a declaration in accordance with Article 6, paragraph 1, of the annex, it may only declare in the above documents that its ratification or accession does not apply to articles 1 to 20.
(c) Any member of the union that has declared that its approval or accession has no effect on the terms referred to in item B may at any time thereafter declare that the effect of its ratification or accession shall be extended to those provisions. The statement is deposited with the director general.
2. (a) articles 1 to 21 and annexes shall come into force three months after the following two conditions are met:
(1) At least five members of the Union have ratified or acceded to the text of the Convention without making a declaration in accordance with paragraph 1, paragraph B;
(2) France, Spain, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America have been bound by the world copyright convention, which was revised in Paris on 24 July 1971.
(b) The entry into force referred to in item A shall have effect for the member states of the union that deposit the instrument of ratification or accession at least three months before the entry into force but have not made a declaration in accordance with paragraph 1, paragraph B.
(c) For all Member States of the union that have ratified or acceded to the text of this Convention to which paragraph B does not apply and have not been declared in accordance with paragraph 1, paragraph B, articles 1 to 21 and the annexes shall enter into force three months after the date on which the director general has notified the deposit of the instrument of ratification or accession, unless the later date is indicated in the deposit document. In the latter case, articles 1 to 21 and annexes enter into force for the country on the date indicated.
(d) The provisions of items a to C shall not affect the application of Article 6 of the annex.
3. Articles 22 to 38 shall enter into force three months after the director general informs that the instrument of ratification or accession has been deposited, whether or not it has been ratified or acceded to the text of the Convention in accordance with paragraph 1, paragraph B, unless a later date is indicated in the deposit document. In the latter case, Articles 22 to 38 enter into force for the country on the date indicated.
Article 29

1. non members of the alliance may become parties to this Convention and members of the alliance. The instrument of accession is deposited with the director general.
2. (a) except as provided in paragraph B, for all non members of the union, this Convention shall enter into force three months after the date on which the director general has notified it of the deposit of the instrument of accession, unless a later date is indicated in the deposit document. In the latter case, this Convention enters into force for that state on the date indicated.
(b) If the entry into force of applicable a precedes the entry into force of articles 1 to 21 and the annexes to Article 28, paragraph 2, a, the states mentioned above will be bound by Articles 1 to 20 of the Brussels text of this Convention in place of articles 1 to 21 and annexes.
Article 29 bis any state not bound by Articles 22 to 38 of the Stockholm text of this Convention shall, for the sole purpose of applying Article 14, paragraph 2, of the Convention on the establishment of property rights organization, ratify or accede to the text of the Convention, but shall be subject to the first purpose of article 28, paragraph 1, paragraph B, of the text.
Article 30
1. except as permitted in paragraph 2, Article 28, paragraph 1, item B, Article 33, paragraph 2 and annex, ratification or accession of this Convention means, of course, acceptance of all the provisions of this Convention and the enjoyment of all the benefits provided for in this Convention.
2. (a) where a member of the union that has ratified or acceded to the text of this Convention may, in addition to the circumstances provided in Article 5, paragraph 2, of the annex, have the interest of the reservation it originally made, provided that the declaration is made at the time of deposit of its instrument of ratification or accession.
(b) All non members of the alliance, after acceding to this Convention and without violating Article 5, paragraph 2, of the annex, may declare that they are ready to replace at least Article 8 of the text of the convention with the provisions of Article 5 of the 1886 convention of the alliance, which was supplemented in Paris in 1896, provided that these Provisions refer only to the translation into the general language of the country. Without prejudice to Article 1, paragraph 6, item B, of the annex, any state shall have the right to translate the works of the state in which the reservation is held as the country of origin, with the same protection as the latter.
(c) Any state may withdraw such reservations by informing the director general at any time.
Article 31
1. any state may declare in its instrument of ratification or accession, or at any time thereafter, notify the director general in writing that this Convention shall apply to all or part of the territory in which its foreign relations are specified in the declaration or notice.
2. any state which has made such a declaration or notification may at any time notify the director general that this Convention no longer applies to all or part of those territories.
3. (a) any declaration made in accordance with paragraph 1 and the approval or accession in the document containing the declaration shall take effect simultaneously, and any notice made in accordance with that paragraph shall take effect three months after the director general's notice.
(b) The notification under paragraph 2 shall take effect 12 months after the director general receives the notice.
4. this article shall not be construed as the factual state of any territory to which any member of the union acknowledges or acquiesces to the declaration made by another member of the union under the application of paragraph 1.
Article 32
1. the text of this Convention replaces the Bernie convention of 9 September 1886 and its subsequent amendments in terms of the relationship between the member states of the Union and to the extent it applies. In relation to the relationship with the member states of the union that have not ratified or acceded to the text of this Convention, all the texts in force before shall remain applicable, or the text of this Convention shall not be applicable to the extent that the former text cannot be replaced by the preceding sentence.
2. the non members of the union that are parties to the text of this Convention shall, except as provided in paragraph 3, apply the text of this Convention to any member of the union that is not bound by or bound by the text of this convention but has made a declaration as provided in Article 28, paragraph 1, paragraph B. The above-mentioned States acknowledge that the member state of the alliance has the right to adapt protection to the level provided for in the text of this Convention in relation to: (1) the application of the provisions of the latest text to which it is bound and (2) without violating the provisions of Article 1, paragraph 6, of the annex.
3. any state that invokes any right provided for in the annex may apply the provisions of the annex concerning one or more of the rights it invokes in relation to any other member of the union which is not bound by the text of this Convention, provided that the other member state has accepted the application of the above provisions.
Article 33
1. if the dispute between two or more members of the Union in the interpretation or application of this Convention cannot be settled through negotiation, if the State concerned cannot reach an agreement on other solutions, either party may refer the dispute to the International Court of justice through prosecution in the manner prescribed by the statute of the International Court of justice. The prosecution state submitting the dispute to the International Court of justice shall inform the International Bureau, which shall inform the other members of the union of the matter.
2. any state may declare that it is not bound by the provisions of paragraph 1 when it signs the text of the Convention or deposits its instrument of ratification or accession. The provisions of paragraph 1 shall not apply in respect of any dispute between that state and any other member of the union.
3. any state making a declaration in accordance with paragraph 2 may at any time notify the director general to withdraw its statement.
Article 34
1. subject to the provisions of Article 29 BIS, no state shall ratify or accede to the previous texts of this Convention after the entry into force of articles 1 to 21 and the annexes.
2. no state shall make a statement under Article 5 of the Protocol concerning developing countries annexed to the Stockholm text after articles 1 to 21 and the annexes have entered into force.
Article 35
1. this Convention enters into force indefinitely.
2. any state may notify the director general to repeal the text of the Convention. This abolition is effective, and for other members of the alliance, this Convention continues to be effective and continues to be implemented.
3. the annulment shall come into force one year after the date of receipt of the notification by the director general.
4. no state shall exercise the right to annul this article if it has not been a member of the Alliance for less than five years from the date of becoming a member of the alliance.
Article 36
1. all States parties to this Convention undertake to take the necessary measures to ensure the implementation of this Convention in accordance with their constitution.
2. it is self-evident that a state, when bound by this Convention, shall implement the provisions of this Convention in accordance with its domestic law.
Article 37
1. (a) the text of the Convention is signed on a single text in both English and French languages and, except as provided for in paragraph 2, the text of the Convention is kept by the director general.
(b) After consultation with the governments concerned, the director general has developed official texts in German, Arabic, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese, as well as other languages designated by the general assembly.
(c) In case of dispute over the interpretation of different Chinese texts, the French text shall prevail.
2. the text of the convention was open for signature until 31 January 1972. Before that date, the text referred to in paragraph 1, paragraph a, was deposited with the government of the French Republic.
3. the director general shall, upon verification of the two copies of the text of this Convention signed, transmit them to the governments of all Member States of the Union and may, upon request, transmit them to the governments of any other state.
4. this text is sent by the director general to the United Nations Secretariat for registration.
5. the director general shall inform all governments of all Member States of the alliance of the following: signing, deposit of instruments of ratification or accession, deposit of statements made in Article 30, paragraph 2, paragraphs a, B and 33, paragraph 2, and the entry into force of all provisions of this Convention, notice of annulment and application of Article 30, paragraph 2, Paragraph C, Article 31, paragraphs 1, 2, 33, paragraph 2 The notice of paragraphs 3 and Article 38, paragraph 1, and the notice referred to in the annex.
Article 38
1. any member of the union that has not ratified or acceded to the text of the Convention and is not bound by Articles 22 to 26 of the Stockholm text may, if so, exercise the rights set forth in the above articles by 26 April 1975, as they are bound. Any state willing to exercise the above-mentioned rights may deposit with the director general for this purpose a written notice, which shall enter into force on the date of receipt. Until the date above, these states shall be considered members of the general assembly.
2. before the members of the alliance have not fully become members of the property organization, the International Bureau of WIPO shall work as the Bureau of the alliance at the same time, and the director general is the director general of the Bureau.
3. when all the member states of the alliance become members of the property organization, the rights, obligations and properties of the League shall belong to the International Bureau of the property organization.

Article 1
1. any state considered to be a developing country in accordance with the practice of the United Nations General Assembly may, while depositing its instrument of ratification or accession, ratify or accede to the text of this Convention, which is part of this annex, but cannot, due to its economic situation and social or cultural needs, make arrangements at present to ensure the protection of all rights under this Convention, at the same time as it deposited its instrument of ratification or accession, or Without prejudice to Article 5, paragraph 1, C, of the annex, on any later date, in a notice to the director general, it states that it will invoke the rights set forth in Article 2 of the annex or the rights set forth in Article 3, or the rights provided for in these two. It may make a statement in accordance with Article 5, paragraph 1, a, of the annex in place of the use of the rights set forth in Article 2 of the annex.
2. (a) any declaration made in accordance with paragraph 1 and notified before the expiration of the ten-year period from the date of entry into force of articles 1 to 21 and this annex in accordance with Article 28, paragraph 2, shall be valid until the expiry of such period. By submitting a notice to the director general at least three months up to 15 months prior to the expiry of the current 10-year period. The statement may be extended in whole or in part every ten years.
(b) Any statement made in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1 and after the expiration of ten years from the date of entry into force of articles 1 to 21 and this annex in accordance with Article 28, paragraph 2, shall be valid until the expiration of the current decade. The statement may be extended in accordance with the second sentence of item a.
3. any member of the union that is no longer considered to be a developing country referred to in paragraph 1 shall no longer be eligible to extend its declaration as provided for in paragraph 2, whether or not it withdraws its statement formally or not, the possibility that the state will lose its right to invoke the right referred to in paragraph 1 at the end of the current decade period or three years after the cessation of the period of time being considered to be a developing state, and the two time frames shall be later than The time limit of the period shall prevail.
4. when a statement made in accordance with paragraph 1 or 2 ceases to take effect, if copies of a permit issued under this annex are still in stock, they may continue to be issued until they are sold out.
5. any state bound by the provisions of the text of this Convention and submitting a declaration or notice in accordance with Article 31, paragraph 1, concerning a particular territory in which the text of the Convention applies to a particular territory in which the circumstances may be similar to those of the State referred to in paragraph 1 may make a declaration or an extension notice referred to in paragraph 1. The provisions of this Annex shall apply to the territory it refers to during the period of validity of such a declaration or notice.
6. (a) the fact that a state invokes any of the rights referred to in paragraph 1 shall not allow the other state to give the work of the state of origin as the former state less than the protection it should have given under Articles 1 to 20.
(b) The right of reciprocity provided for in the second sentence of Article 30, paragraph 2, item B, shall not be used in the works of the state of origin of the state in which the declaration is made in accordance with Article 5, paragraph 1, paragraph a, of the annex until the expiry of the application period in accordance with Article 1, paragraph 3, of the annex.
Article 2
1. any state that claims to invoke the rights provided for in this article shall have the right to replace the exclusive translation rights provided for in Article 8 by issuing a non exclusive and non transferable license by the competent authority under Article 4 of the annex in respect of works published in print or any other similar form of reproduction.
2. (a) except in paragraph 3, if a work expires three years from the first publication or a longer period prescribed by the national law of the country and the owner of the right to translate or, under its authority, has not yet published a translation in the common language of that country, any national of that country may be able to translate the work in the common language of that country and publish the translation in print or in any other similar form of reproduction License for.
(b) If all versions of the translation published in the relevant language have been sold out, a license may also be issued under this section.
3. (a) if the translation is not the language commonly used in one or more developed countries of the union, the one-year period shall be used instead of the three-year period prescribed in paragraph 2, a.
(b) Under the agreement of developed countries of the union, which is commonly used in the same language, if it is to be translated into such a language, all the countries referred to in paragraph 1 may replace the three-year period set out in paragraph 2, paragraph a, in accordance with the shorter term limit set forth in the agreement, but not less than one year. Nevertheless, the provisions of the previous sentence do not apply if the language involved is English, French or Spanish. All agreements in this regard shall be communicated to the director general by the government of the State Party.
4. (a) a license which requires three years to obtain under this article shall be issued within a supplementary period of six months; and a permit which can only be obtained after one year shall be subject to a supplementary period of nine months
(1) The date of the applicant's performance of the procedures prescribed in Article 4, paragraph 1 of the annex;
(2) If the identity or address of the owner of the translation right is not known, the date on which the applicant has sent a copy of the application to the competent authority issuing the permit in accordance with the provisions of Article 4, paragraph 2, of the annex.
(b) If the translation is published by the owner of the translation right or in the language authorized by the owner of the translation right in the language of application, the license shall not be issued under this article if the period of the above-mentioned six or nine months is not full.
5. the issuance of any license referred to in this article is limited to teaching, learning or research purposes.
6. if the price of the owner of the right to translate or a translation authorized by it is similar to the price of the same kind of work in the country concerned, the language and basic content of the translation are the same as that of the translation published under the license, the license issued under this article shall be revoked. Copies of the work that have been made before the license is revoked may be issued until the end of the sale.
7. for works mainly composed of pictures, the license for translation and publication of the text and reproduction of pictures can only be issued if the conditions stipulated in Article 3 of the annex are fulfilled.
8. no license shall be issued under this section when the author ceases to issue all copies of his work.
9. (a) a permit to translate a work published in print or any other similar form of reproduction may also be issued to a broadcasting agency headquartered in that country, as required by the Broadcasting Authority to the competent authority of the State referred to in paragraph 1, subject to all the following conditions:
(1) The translation is a copy produced and obtained in accordance with the laws of the country;
(2) Translation can only be used for teaching broadcasting or broadcasting of special technology or scientific research results to experts of a particular specialty;
(3) The translation is used exclusively for the purposes referred to in the second heading and is carried out by lawful broadcasting of audiences in the country, including broadcasting legally recorded by means of recording or video recording for that purpose;
(4) All the translation uses have no profit-making nature.
(b) The audio-visual recordings or videos of the translation of the translation of a permit issued by a broadcasting institution under this paragraph may also be used for the purposes and conditions set out in item a and with the consent of the Broadcasting Authority mentioned above, for any other broadcasting institution located in the country in which the competent authority issuing the permit is issued.
(c) As long as all the criteria and conditions listed in item a are met, the broadcasting agency may also be granted a license to translate all texts in audio-visual materials produced and published for the use of major, middle and primary schools.
(d) Without violating items a to C, the provisions of the preceding paragraphs apply to the issuance and use of all permits provided for in this sub clause.
Article 3
1. any state that claims to invoke the rights provided for in this article shall have the right to replace the exclusive reproduction right provided for in Article 9 by a license issued by the competent authority in accordance with the following conditions and in accordance with Article 4 of the annex.
2. (a) in respect of works to which this article applies under paragraph 7, when (1) the period prescribed in paragraph 3 from the date of the first publication of a particular edition of the work expires, or (2) a longer period prescribed by the national law referred to in paragraph 1 and from the same date, if the copy of the work has not been entitled to copy or, under its authorization, the same type of work in that country If the price of the common price is similar to that sold in the country to meet the needs of the general public or the teaching of large, medium and primary schools, any national of the country may obtain a license to copy and publish the version at such price or lower price for teaching in the major, middle and primary schools.
(b) Under the conditions provided for in this article, a license may also be issued for the reproduction and publication of the issued version as mentioned in item A. if, after the expiry of the applicable period, the authorized version has been sold out for six months in the relevant country and cannot be used for traditional teaching in the country.
3. the period referred to in Item 1 of paragraph 2, a, is five years. But (1) for works related to mathematics and natural science and technology, it is three years; (2) novels, poems, plays and music works and art books are seven years.
4. (a) a permit which can be obtained after three years under this article shall be issued only after the expiration of the six-month period
(1) The date of the applicant's performance of the procedures prescribed in Article 4, paragraph 1 of the annex;
(2) If the identity or address of the owner of the right to copy is not known, the date on which the applicant has sent a copy of the application to the competent authority issuing the permit in accordance with the provisions of Article 4, paragraph 2, of the annex.
(b) In other cases and when the second paragraph of Article 4 of the annex is applicable, the permit shall not be issued before the expiration of three months after the copy of the application is sent.
(c) No license shall be issued under this article if the sale referred to in paragraph 2, item a, occurs during the six or three months period provided for in items a and B.
(d) No license shall be issued when the author has ceased to issue all copies of the works of that edition that have applied for a permit for reproduction and publication.
5. a translation permit for the reproduction and publication of a work shall not be issued under this article in the following circumstances:
(1) The translation involved is not published by or under the authority of the owner of the translation right;
(2) The translation is not in the general language of the country in which the permit is applied.
6. if a copy of a work is sold in the country referred to in paragraph 1 for the purpose of providing the public or for teaching in the large, medium and primary schools at a price similar to that of the same kind of work in the country, and the language and basic content of the copy are the same as the language and content of the version published under the license, the issue issued under this article shall be revoked There is a license. Copies made before the license is revoked may be issued until they are sold out.
7. (a) subject to item B, the works to which this section applies are limited to those published in the form of printing or any other similar form of reproduction.
(b) This article also applies to the translation of protected works reproduced in the form of audiovisual or audio-visual materials containing protected works, and the translation of the text part of the audio-visual materials translated in the general language of the country where the license is applied, provided that the only purpose of the production and publication of the audio-visual materials involved is limited, the teaching use of middle and primary schools.
Article 4

1. The issue of any license referred to in Article 2 or Article 3 of the annex shall be subject to the applicant's proof in accordance with the current provisions of the relevant countries that he has requested the right owner to translate and publish the translation or copy and publish the version according to different circumstances, but has not been authorized, or has failed to find the right owner after considerable efforts. At the same time as making this request to the right owner, the applicant must also inform any national or international intelligence center mentioned in paragraph 2 of this application.
2. If the applicant is unable to find the owner of the right, he shall send by registered airmail a copy of the application submitted to the competent authority issuing the license to the publisher named on the work and to any national or international intelligence centre designated in the notice submitted to the principal for this purpose by the government of the country believed to be the publisher's main business centre.
3. The name of the author shall be listed on all copies of the translation or copy published under the license issued under Articles 2 and 3 of the annex. The name of the work should be on all copies. If it is a translation, the name of the original should be listed on all copies in any case.
4. (a) any license granted under Article 2 or 3 of the annex shall not be extended to the export of copies, and the license shall only apply to the publication of translations or copies in the territory of the state applying for the license, as the case may be.
(b) For the purposes of paragraph a, any shipment of a copy from any territory to a state which has made a declaration on behalf of that territory in accordance with Article 1, paragraph 5, shall be deemed to be an export.
(c) When a copy of a translation published under the license is sent to another country by a government agency or any other public body which has issued a license for the translation into a language other than English, Spanish or French in accordance with Article 2 of the annex, such sending shall not be regarded as export for the purposes of item a, provided that all the following conditions are met:
(1) The addressee shall be an individual or an organization of nationals of the state to which the competent authority issuing the permit belongs;
(2) Copies are for teaching, learning or research purposes only;
(3) There is no profit-making nature in the sending of copies to recipients or in their further distribution; and
(4) There is an agreement between the country to which the copies are sent and the country to which the competent authority has issued the licence to approve the receipt or distribution of such copies, or both, and the latter government has notified the director general of the agreement.
5. All copies licensed for publication under Article 2 or Article 3 of the annex shall contain a notice in the relevant language stating that the copy can only be distributed in the country or territory to which the license applies.
6. (a) make appropriate provisions within the country to ensure that
(1) The issue of the license shall give the owner of the translation right or reproduction right a reasonable remuneration according to different circumstances, which shall meet the standard of royalty normally paid for the license freely negotiated between the two countries concerned; and
(2) To ensure the payment and transmission of the remuneration; if there is national control over foreign exchange, the competent authorities should make every effort to ensure that the remuneration is transmitted in internationally convertible currency or its equivalent through international institutions.
(b) Appropriate measures should be taken through national laws to ensure the correct translation or accurate reproduction of works in different situations.
Article 5
1. (a) any state which has the right to declare that it invokes the rights set forth in Article 2 of the annex may, at the time of ratification or accession to the text of this Convention, dispense with such a declaration and substitute it with the following:
(1) If it is a country to which Article 30 (2) (a) applies, it shall be replaced by a declaration in accordance with the provisions of that article concerning the right of translation;
(2) If it is a country to which Article 30 (2) (a) does not apply, even if it is a member of the union, it shall be replaced by a declaration in accordance with the first sentence of Article 30 (2) (b).
(b) A declaration made in accordance with this paragraph shall remain in force when a country is no longer considered as a developing country within the meaning of paragraph 1 of Article 1 of the annex. Until the expiration of the application period specified in paragraph 3 of Article 1 of the annex.
(c) All states that have made a declaration in accordance with this paragraph shall not later use the rights provided for in Article 2 of the annex, even after withdrawing the declaration.
2. Except in the case of paragraph 3, all states which have invoked the rights provided for in Article 2 of the annex shall not make a declaration in accordance with paragraph 1 in the future.
3. Any country which is no longer regarded as a developing country referred to in paragraph 1 of Article 1 of the annex may make a declaration in accordance with the first sentence of paragraph 2 B of Article 30 no later than two years before the expiration of the application period of paragraph 3 of Article 1 of the annex, even if it is a member of the alliance. This declaration will take effect on the date of the expiration of the applicable period in accordance with Article 1, paragraph 3, of the annex.
Article 6
1. Any member of the union may make the following declaration at any time from the date of the text of the Convention and before it is bound by Articles 1 to 21 and this Annex:
(1) If a country is bound by Articles 1 to 21 and this annex, it is entitled to invoke the rights mentioned in paragraph 1 of Article 1 of the annex. It will apply the provisions of Article 2 or Article 3 of the annex, or both, to a work whose country of origin is the following country. When applying the second item below, that country agrees to apply the above two articles to such work, or that country is bound by Article 2 1 to 21 and this Annex; this statement may refer to Article 5 of the annex instead of Article 2;
(2) It agrees that the present Annex shall apply to the work of which it is the country of origin to a state which has made a declaration under Item 1 above or has given a notification under Article 1 of the annex.
2. All declarations made in accordance with paragraph 1 shall be made in writing and deposited with the director general. The declaration shall take effect on the date of deposit.

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